fp - Mirrorless Camera

1 513.15 €
  • 24,6 Megapixel, 35 mm full-frame BSI sensor 
  • Robust & lightweight aluminum body
  • Easy WEB streaming and video conf. with USB-C cable
  • Supports UHD 4K/24, 25 & 30 fps
  • Supports 12-bit Cinema DNG
  • Electronic image stabilization
  • Full-time electronic shutter
  • Face/Eye Detection AF
  • HDR Shooting
  • Dust- and splash-proof structure




Sample Images
Mount L-mount
Format Type Interchangeable-lens Mirrorless Type Digital Camera
Storage Media SD / SDHC / SDXC mälukaart (UHS-Ⅱ toega) / kaasaskantav SSD (USB 3.0 ühendus, USB toite toega)
Lens Mount L-mount
Sensor type 35 mm täiskaader (35,9 mm x 23,9 mm) tagantvalgustusega Bayer CMOS sensor
Camera effective pixels / Total pixels u. 24,6 MP (6072 x 4056) / u. 25,3 MP (6104 x 4142)
Aspect ratio 3:2
Color, filter system RGB põhivärvide filter
Still Image File Format Kadudeta pakkimine RAW (DNG) data 12/14 bit, JPEG (Exif 2.3), RAW (DNG) + JPEG:salvestamine on võimalik
Image aspect ratio [21:9] / [16:9] / [3:2] / [A Size (√2:1)] / [4:3] / [7:6] / [1:1]
File size - RAW KÕRGE: 6000 x 4000 (3840 x 2560), MADAL: 3008 x 2000 (1920 x 1280) *() DC kärpimisrežiimis
File size - JPEG


HIGH : 6,000 x 2,576 (3,840 x 1,648)
MED : 4,240 x 1,824 (2,736 x 1,168)
LOW : 3,008 x 1,288 (1,920 x 824)


HIGH : 6,000 x 4,000 (3,840 x 2,560)
MED : 4,240 x 2,832 (2,736 x 1,824)
LOW : 3,008 x 2,000 (1,920 x 1,280)


HIGH :5,344 x 4,000 (3,408 x 2,560)
MED :3,776 x 2,832 (2,416 x 1,824)
LOW :2,672 x 2,000 (1,712 x 1,280)


HIGH : 4,000×4,000 (2,560×2,560)
MED : 2,832×2,832 (1,824×1,824)
LOW : 2,000×2,000 (1,280×1,280)


HIGH : 6,000 x 3,376 (3,840 x 2,160)
MED : 4,240 x 2,392 (2,736 x 1,536)
LOW : 3,008 x 1,688 (1,920 x 1,080)

[A Size (√2:1)]

HIGH : 5,664 x 4,000 (3,616 x 2,560)
MED : 4,000 x 2,832 (2,560 x 1,824)
LOW : 2,832 x 2,000 (1,808 x 1,280)


HIGH : 4,960 x 4,000 (3,184 x 2,560)
MED : 3,520 x 2,832 (2,272 x 1,824)
LOW : 2,480 x 2,000 (1,584 x 1,280)

Color space sRGB / Adobe RGB
Audio format Lineaarne PCM (2ch 48 kHz/16 bitti)
Recording pixels / Frame rate (Internal)

3,840 x 2,160 (UHD 4k) / 23.98p, 25p, 29.97p
FHD (1,920 x 1,080) / 23.98p, 25p, 29.97p, 59.94p, 100p, 119.88p

Continuous recording time (internal) Kuni 2 tundi
Cinema DNG recording media limits (Internal)

SD card: UHS-II UHD 8bit under 25fps, FHD 12 bit under 60fps
Portable SSD: UHD 12bit 30fps, FHD 12bit 100 fps or less, 10bit and 8bit 120fps or less*
*When using our recommended recording media

Movie format (External)

HDMI Loop out “External recorder record: ATOMOS Ninja Inferno, Blackmagic Video Assist 4K supported
HDMI RAW output “Externai recorder record: ATOMOS Ninja V, Blackmagic Video Assist 12G supported

Audio format (external) Lineaarne PCM (2 kanalit 48 kHz / 16 bitti)
File size / Frame rate (External)

4,096×2,160(DCI 4K) 12bit RAW 24fps
3,840×2,160 (UHD 4K) / 4:2:2 8bit 29.97p / 25p / 23.98p
1,920x1,080 (FHD) / 4:2:2 8bit 119.88p / 100p / 59.94p / 50p / 29.97p / 25p / 23.98p

AF System / Focus mode Kontrastsuse tuvastamise süsteem, üksik AF, pidev AF (liikuvate objektide ennustamise funktsiooniga), käsitsi teravustamine
AF Sensitivity Range / AF mode -5EV ~18EV(F1.4:ISO100) / automaatne, 49-punkti valikurežiim, vaba liikumise režiim, näo-/silmatuvastuse autofookuse režiim, jälgiva iseteravustamise režiim
AF Lock (Focus) Katikunupu poolvajutus või AEL nupu vajutus (seadete muutmine on vajalik)
Other Focus Functions AF+MF, MF Assist, MF Guide, Fookuse esiletoomine, Fookuse vabastamise funktsioon, AF-ON, Kiire AF, Eelnev AF, AF pildi suurendamise ajal
Metering Mode Evaluatiivne, punkt, keskpunktiga kaalutud keskmine
Metering Range -5 ~18EV (50 mm F1.4: ISO100)
Still Image Shooting Mode (P) programmeeritud AE (võimalik on programminihe), (S) säriaja prioriteediga AE, (A) ava prioriteediga AE, (M) käsitsi
Movie Shooting Mode (P) Programmi AE, (S) Säriaja prioriteediga AE, (A) Ava prioriteediga AE, (M) Käsitsi
ISO Sensitivity ISO 100–25600, laiendatud tundlikkus ISO 6, 12, 25, 50, 51200, 102400
Exposure Compensation ±5 EV (1/3-astmelise sammuga): ±EV video salvestamisel
AE Lock (Exposure Control) Katikunupu poolvajutus või AEL nupu vajutus (seadete muutmine on vajalik)
Exposure Bracket 3-kaadri/5-kaadri astmeline säritus 3EV (1/3 astet, standardne -> alasäri -> ülesäri) (järjekord muudetav)
Image Stabilization System Elektrooniline süsteem
White balance Settings 12 tüüpi (automaatne, automaatne (valgustusallika prioriteet), päevavalgus, vari, pilvine, hõõglamp, luminofoorlamp, välklamp, värvitemperatuur, kohandatud 1, kohandatud 2, kohandatud 3)
Shutter Type Elektrooniline katik
Shutter Speed 30–1/8000 sek, aegsäri (kuni 5 min) *Kuni 1/4000 sek elektroonilise pildistabilisaatori kasutamisel
Drive Modes Üksikvõte, sarivõte (H: ca 18 võtet/sek, M: ca 5 võtet/sek, L: ca 3 võtet/sek), taimer (2 s / 10 s), intervalli taimer
Maximum number of shots KÕRGE: 12 kaadrit, MED: 12 kaadrit, LOW: 24 kaadrit
Monitor Type / Coverage TFT värviline LCD-ekraan kuvasuhe 3:2, 3,15, ca. 2 100 000 punkti / Elektrostaatilise mahtuvussüsteemi puutepaneel / u. 100%
Light Emission Mode (External flash) S-TTL automaatne valguse kontroll, käsitsi, juhtmeta välklamp, multi-emissioon välklamp (välise välklambi kasutamisel)
Flash Mode (External flash) Punasilmsuse vähendamine / Aeglane sünkroonimine, välk särituse lõpus
Exposure control (External flash) Max ±3 EV sammuga 1/3 EV
Flash Tuning Speed (External flash) Max 1/30 sek. *1/15 sek. või vähem 14-biti juures
External Flash Support Saadaval, kui Hot Shoe üksus HU-11 (tootega kaasas) on paigaldatud *S-TTL, juhtmevaba tugi, XContact
Color mode 13 tüüpi (standardne, elav, neutraalne, portree, maastik, kino, sinakassinine ja oranž, päikeseloojangupunane, metsaroheline, FOV klassikaline sinine, FOV klassikaline kollane, monokroomne, väljas)
Recording Mode STILL-režiim: FillLight / HDR pildistamine – CINE režiim: Pildistamine filmimise ajal / HDR pildistamine / Režissööri vaateotsija
Playback Mode FOTO: Režiim Kaamerasisene DNG arendus – CINE režiim: Liikuv foto / stoppkaadri väljalõige
Built-in Microphone / Speaker Stereo mikrofon, Monoheli kõlar
Display Language English / Japanese / Norwegian / Swedish / Danish / Finnish / German / French / Spanish / Italian / Simplified Chinese / Traditional Chinese / Korean / Russian / Dutch / Polish / Portuguese
USB USB3.1 GEN1 Type C
HDMI Type D (Ver.1.4)
Release Terminal Kasutatakse ka välimise mikrofoni pesana.
External Microphone ⌀ 3,5 mm stereo minipistik (pistiktoite tugi)
Headphone output Pole saadaval
Flash-synchro Terminal Spetsiaalne klemm (kui tootega kaasas olev Hot Shoe üksus HU-11 on paigaldatud)
Dust- & splash-proof structure Saadaval
Power Li-ion Battery Pack BP-51 *USB power supply available (when the power is turned off)
Still images u. 280 pilti (23 ℃ CIPA standardi järgi)
Movie | continuous recording Ligikaudselt 70 min
Weight (g) 422 g (koos aku ja SD-kaardiga), 370 g (ainult kaamera korpus)
Operating Temperature 0 ~ +40℃
Operating Humidity 86% või vähem
Accessories Li-ion Battery Pack BP-51, Strap, Strap Holder, USB AC Adapter UAC-11, USB Cable (A-C) SUC-11, HOT SHOE UNIT HU-11, Body Cap, Instruction Manual, Warranty, Warranty Sticker
Optional Accessories Käepide HG-11, suur käepide HG-21, LCD-pildiotsija LVF-11, alusplaat BPL-11, kaablivabastus CR-41, aluskäepide BG-11, alalisvoolu ühendus CN-21, akulaadija BC-71, vahelduvvooluadapter SAC-7P, elektrooniline välklamp EF-630, objektiivi adapter MC-21
EAN 085126937300
Specifications Info

* Appearance and specifications are subject to change without notice

Pocketable Full-frame│ Impressive portability and power

The “smallest and lightest body possible” with which one can express their creative ideas whenever they want, combined with a “full-frame sensor” that is suitable for serious occasions without compromising on image quality, and “superb build quality” that makes the camera the perfect linchpin of a high-performance lens system.


Dimensions (W x H x D):112.6 x 69.9 x 45.3 mm / 4.4 x 2.8 x 1.8 in.
Weight:370 g / 13.0 oz.(Camera body only)
Image Sensor:35 mm full-frame / Approx. 24.6 MP

Scalable│ Versatile scalability

An “open system” that allows one to pair the camera with not only Sigma lenses but also other lenses and accessories, whether from Sigma or other brands, using a variety of attachments, complete with “ultimate versatility and scalability” that makes the camera adaptable to any scenes.

Seamless│ Full-fledged, liberating shooting functions

A “highly intuitive UI” that allows one to move between full-fledged still and video shooting modes with just one finger, making for a “seamless and truly creative tool” that goes beyond style and genre differences.

Carry all the amazing things in your pocket.

The world’s smallest and lightest full-frame mirrorless camera.*


With overall dimension of 112.6 x 69.9 x 45.3mm and body weight of 370g and 375g for the fp and the fp L, respectively, the Sigma fp family is the world’s smallest and lightest* full-frame mirrorless cameras. They are small enough to take for casual use, so you can enjoy the full-frame image quality for your everyday snaps.


*As of March 2021, by Sigma

Abundant of choices for every occasion.

L-Mount lenses.


The Sigma fp series uses the L-Mount*, characterized by a short flange focal length, large diameter, and superior durability. For interchangeable lenses, in addition to the wide-ranging choice of Sigma lenses, other manufacturers’ lenses can also be an option through the L-Mount Alliance with Leica Camera AG and Panasonic Corporation. With the Sigma MOUNT CONVERTER MC-21, Sigma SA mount and Sigma’s CANON EF mount lenses can be used, making the best out of one’s lens investment.


*The L-Mount Trademark is a registered Trademark of Leica Camera AG.


Camera Compatibility

Make your communication more engaging than ever.

Transforming a Sigma fp to a webcam with just a USB cable.

By simply connecting it to a PC via USB, a Sigma fp camera can be used as a webcam. It will bring a stunning, full-frame image quality to live streaming and online communication including video conferencing.


Film like a pro.

Supporting 12bit CinemaDNG recording
Supporting Blackmagic RAW and ProRes RAW HDMI outputs as standard
Professional video interface


For raw video data, the Sigma fp series supports 12-bit CinemaDNG external recording. With 4K UHD/24fps recording, it produces video data that can be used even in filmmaking. It also supports Blackmagic RAW and ProRes RAW over HDMI recording, so you can choose one according to your workflow.
For the operation system, the Sigma fp series features a dedicated interface that supports commonly used cinema cameras, which means it can be taken straight to video production settings.

Your tough companion. Wherever you go.

Dust and Splash Resistant Structure* / Large Heat Sink


A body covered with die-cast aluminum on the front and the back ensures superior robustness and heat dissipation while keeping the body weight light.
The Sigma fp series is protected with the dust and splash resistant sealing on a total of 42 points over the camera body. Combined with a large-size magnesium heat sink that prevents overheating, the Sigma fp series is a reliable choice for shooting in a wide range of conditions as well as long hours of use.


*Although this construction allows the lens to be used in light rain, it is not the same as being waterproof.

See outside the frames.

Diverse aspect ratios


In STILL mode, you have seven aspect ratios to choose from. You can either choose one that suits your mood and preference, or try out one that you don’t normally use to discover a new framing and style. The Sigma fp series’ diverse aspect ratio will bring you possibilities to experience something that may change the way you see things.

7 types of aspect ratios

Find your own expression

Cinemagraph / Fill Light / Color mode


In addition to a total of 15 color modes to choose from, the Sigma fp series features a number of functionalities such as Cinemagraph, which is animated GIF that is a hybrid between photography and video, and Fill Light, which is Sigma’s special light control function. These features specially created for the Sigma fp series will help you find your own style.

A camera that whispers. For enjoying precious moments.

Full-time electronic shutter


Shutter shock, sound, and lags: these are disadvantages of mechanical shutters. The Sigma fp series is designed to minimize them in pursuit of a system to adapt to a variety of different shooting scenes. Shooting that requires precision where even the tiniest shake is to be eliminated; shooting in a sound-sensitive situation; shooting without ruining the ambience of the scene; and shooting with good response without missing the perfect shot. These types of shooting will open new horizons in video creation. Furthermore, the absence of a mechanical shutter makes the Sigma fp’s camera structure simpler, which in turn improves its reliability as a camera.

Sigma fp | Large Heat Sink (Multi-languages)